Saturday, August 16, 2008

Beef Stroganoff (Russian)

Another Russian dish, beef strips in a sour cream sauce, served with rice, bread, potatoes or pasta (it really goes well with any type of carbs!).

I served it with rice and French long green beans. I read a few different recipes online and made my best of and did my own version as recorded here.
It's a very quick, easy recipe, takes about 10 mins to prepare once you have the ingredients ready.

300 gr beef (sirloin or tenderloin) cut in thin slices
2 onions
1 cup of sour cream

I got the butcher to slice the beef for me in thin slices, but if you get a chunk you'll have to do your own slicing, as thin as possible.

Peel, clean and cut the onions, and I cut two cloves of garlic as well (optional).
Clean and cut up the mushrooms.
Mix some flour (about 2 tablespoons) with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Spread the flour mix on a plate and coat each beef slice on both sides with the mixture.

Heat some butter (should be enough to cover the bottom of your frying pan) till it gets bubbly. Quickly fry the first batch of beef slices on both sides on high/medium heat. Make sure the butter and beef don't get burnt.
Take out the fried slices of beef and keep them aside on a plate.
Add a bit more butter and do the next batch till all beef slices have been nicely fried with brown colour.

Now keep the butter in the frying pan that you used to fry the beef and add the onions (and garlic). Add some more butter if necessary, make sure it won't stick to the pan and won't burn.
Take out the onions when nicely fried and keep aside with the beef. Add a bit more butter and fry the mushrooms till brown and soft.
Lower the fire, slowly spoon in the sour cream, make sure it won't get to a boil keep stirring. Add a bit of water as well (about half cup).
Add the onions and beef back into the mixture. Stir all through.

Serve hot with rice (or potatoes, bread, pasta).

Borsch (Russian beetroot soup)

A healthy & hearty soup, for cold winter nights or just as a change of palate in a hot country like Singapore...

I read a few different recipes online and sort of made my own version of it, recording it here so I won't forget how I did it...

1 beetroot
a few chunks of beef (with some bone) for the broth - (or 1 liter beef stock)
half a cabbage (any type of cabbage, e.g. Chinese cabbage will do)
1 large carrot
2 tomatoes

Optional: add potatoes, or tomato puree (for a thicker soup).

Wash the beef and rinse with hot water.
Boil the beef chunks in a pot with water and let it cook for about 1 hour to get the beef stock and make the beef soft.

Meanwhile, prepare the vegetables:
Clean the beetroot, half it and cut each of the halves into thin slices.
Clean the carrot and cut into thin slices.
Wash the cabbage and into strips.
Cut the tomatoes into 6 or 8 slices.

Once the broth is done, take out the chunks of beef and use a fork to peel of the strips of beef. Add back the beef in small strips into the stock.
Add the beetroot to the stock and the carrots.
Let it cook for 30 mins.
Now add the cabbage to the soup and let cook for another 15 mins.
Add the tomatoes as well in the last 5 mins.

Season with a bit of lemon juice, sugar and salt to taste, and freshly ground pepper.

Serve with a bit of sour cream if you like a more creamy version. Add the sour cream only when serving, don't mix it through the soup.

Serve with a soft bun or a slice of French loaf.